21. February, 2023
Company news

Iecavnieks rapeseed oil receives the Green Spoon

Iecavnieks cold-pressed, unrefined rapeseed oil has been awarded the Green Spoon.

We are proud to announce that our cold-pressed, unrefined rapeseed oil has been awarded the Green Spoon, which means that we are included in the National Food Quality Scheme (NPKS) and are allowed to use the green label on our product labelling.

As reported on the NPKS website, the Green Spoon is awarded to products that meet the enhanced quality criteria and where 75% of the raw materials used in the production of the products are sourced from a single European Union Member State or region listed as the country or region of origin on the scheme label, such as Latvia.

Look out for cold-pressed, unrefined rapeseed oil with the Green Spoon symbol in shops.

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