19. January, 2023
Company news

We participate in the WOOD for HEALTH research project

The WOOD for HEALTH project aims to promote the safe and wider use of wood products by developing antimicrobial surfaces, hygiene concepts and providing the first broad guidelines for the use of wood in healthcare buildings.

This will help to address the needs of the construction industry, investors and healthcare building owners.

The project’s scientific team will investigate the constraints and opportunities for the use of wood products in healthcare buildings, focusing on surface aspects, and use this information to develop guidelines. WOOD for HEALTH aims to meet the requirements of these guidelines by holistically characterising the technical, environmental and economic performance of wood products on uncoated and coated surfaces.
Project funding:

WOOD for HEALTH is a project supported by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, the Latvian Research Council, the Norwegian Research Council and Vinnova Swedish Innovation Agency under the ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue. ForestValue has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 773324. Total project budget: EUR 1,300,000 , LVKĶI budget EUR 210,000.

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