For 2 servings

Breakfast plate with golden eggs

Rapeseed oil has a distinctive yellow colour, and when eggs or vegetables are fried in it, they also take on a very beautiful golden colour. Give it a try. In order to have strength for the day, you should have a good source of protein for breakfast – eggs. Here’s an idea for a breakfast that is filling, nutritious and also healthy.
View recipe
2–4 pcs (or as many as want)
a bundle (250 g)
100 g
Cherry tomatoes
100 g
Wholemeal bread for serving
Iecavnieks rapeseed oil for frying
  1. Preheat the oven to 200 ºC. Place the tomatoes in a small pan, drizzle with rapeseed oil, salt and pepper, and fry for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the breakfast ingredients. Add a little rapeseed oil to the pan and quickly fry the young asparagus, add salt and pepper at the end of frying, then remove from the pan. Next, fry the spinach in the same way, adding salt, pepper and, if desired, lemon juice at the end of frying, then remove from the pan.
  3. Last, fry the eggs. Pour Iecavnieks rapeseed oil into the pan, lower the flame and fry the eggs on one side like a sunny-side up fried egg.
  4. When serving, first lay the spinach on a plate, then the asparagus; place the eggs on top and garnish with the oven-roasted cherry tomatoes.
  5. Wholemeal bread and a good morning coffee on the side will suit everyone’s taste.


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